Immortals fenyx rising length
Immortals fenyx rising length

immortals fenyx rising length

which means u basically have to push yourself through the main skills aka story also with it in order to not walk into obstacles, not fun for exploration. Luckily the game warns you sometimes about it but not all the time. some skills / talents are needed to do certain content and u won't be able to do it without it. fly controls are wonky for fine movements which makes some vaults really difficult and frustrating. extra bonus quest was indeed lackbusting to say the least even worse then valhalla somehow. which made the game kinda samish a lot of the time. show icy one map, 2 maps forest and grass ( loved the looks of that ), barren and death are the rest. not enough map variety visually, there is only really 3 different enviroments. game pushes u into one direction if you go a certain build, because gods in those area's enhances that build u use for example. game is not clear if u need to go to all area's and do a bit in each area or stay in one area until u are done.

immortals fenyx rising length

AC valhalla had something like 23 maps, this game has what 5 maybe 6 as the middle part is nothig. I got the feeling they stripped the dlc content away form the base game as result. The game needs to be basically 3 times bigger then what we got now ( with reduced puzzles and loot systems ), a norse region with 2-3 lands and asian china with 2-3 lands added with it, and some bonus extra content like atlantis maybe area would have made the game feel like far more complete it just feels really lackbusting on content really at this point and frankly not worth its price again. game needs about 8 more gods in the game in my opinion. not worth its price currently for me, i paid 80 bucks version for the game and all dlc with the understanding i would get at least 100 hours at a minimum from the base game its more half that. game is way to small content wise u basically will complete the game if you don't 100% in 20-30 hours, for a console like game its fine, for a assassin creed kind of game its a joke. Even the last boss i didn't saw a single attack he did he was perm frozen on the spot constantly until he was dead. With 20 arrows u can practically spam u can basically freeze lock anything and everything to dust. Example freeze bow, u can freeze targets for 70% chance on hit with 6-7 seconds long apply towards the target or something. Some gear and god talents are extremely overpowered to the point it breaks the game. Half the content on the map wasn't even done by me when it was already on 100% no clue how they even calculate it, completely borked. its completely broken or basically they are lying on purpose to make there game look bigger then it really is. I sit now at 2x the distance in vallhalla. game statistics are completely off for this game, in 30 hours of gameplay i had more walking done then in valhalla in 140 hours, which is frankly impossible. nightmare cannot be selected straight out, u gotta go through hard mode first. unclear at the start how vaults work, i though u had 3 difficulty modes and got the reward at the last difficulty for example, which wasn't the case so i basically had to redo all the vaults all over again when i figured that out.

immortals fenyx rising length

cant get gear out of a vault once u completed it before, u gotta redo the entire vault and finish it all over again vaults 100% it can be extremely annoying to the point u probably want to ignore it to have a fun experience, reason for this is not good enough fine control of your character even while it requires it and a wonky physics system at times. crashes, it pretty frequently at times probably 15 crashes over 60 hours of gameplay tho so yea not that great. map again, lots of icons are to big to the point they cover up to much of the map so u cant teleport without disabling stuff etc. no clue why they went for this terrible system. Map is a mess, u gotta turn in circles like a retard for hours long in order to find all treasures u have missed at different locations and u always miss something. 100% the game the other day and will make a review about it.Ĭompleted it on hard mode then when nightmare mode was unlocked did everything else on nightmare mode.

Immortals fenyx rising length